[VN] Hare Nochi Kitto Nanohana Biyori [IND]
Title | Hare Nochi Kitto Nanohana Biyori |
Original title
晴のちきっと菜の花びより |
Release Date | 3/25/2017 |
Developer | Parasol |
Medium (10 - 30 hours) |
Indonesian and Japan |
Source | VNDB |
VNherosoft |
Description [Indonesia]
Fujimiya Haruma, Kelas 2 SMA.
Tanpa sebab yang jelas, liburan semester Haruma harus dihabiskan dengan opname selama satu bulan di rumah sakit.
Bulan Mei ….
Setelah Haruma sembuh, dan kembali bersekolah, tanpa bisa berbaur dengan teman-teman sekelasnya yang baru, dia akhirnya menjadi sosok yang menarik perhatian satu kelasnya.
Disisi lain, Nanoka yang baru saja pindah, juga tidak memiliki teman. Karena tempat duduk mereka berdekatan, dan sering bertemu, maka mereka pun bisa akrab.
Haruma tahu keinginan Nanoka untuk masuk ekskul berkebun, tapi ekskul itu telah dibubarkan setahun yang lalu.
Untuk itu Haruma berjanji untuk membantu Nanoka mengabulkan keinginannya membuka kembali ekskul berkebun.
Disaat itulah, Haruma bertemu banyak teman untuk mengambil kembali ‘satu bulan’ yang telah hilang.
Description [English]
Haruma was about to enter his second year at Kaminagi Gakuen when he came down with a fever over the spring vacation and was hospitalized for a month. When he returned to school in May, he didn’t know his new classmates and couldn’t fit in his class. However, he wasn’t the only one who had the same problem. Nanoka, who transferred in a couple days before he arrived, also wasn’t able to make any friends. Since he sat quite close to her, they exchanged greetings and talked about their lives, getting along quite well.
Haruma found out that Nanoka wanted to join the gardening club. But the gardening club at Kaminagi Gakuen disbanded a year ago. He promised to help reform the club in order to grant her wish. This enabled him to met lots of friends and regain the ‘one month’s time’ which he had lost.